Top 8 challenges faced in managing Type 2 diabetes

January 1, 1970

Top 8 challenges faced in managing Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes has become a household affair with high incidence rates. Almost every family has one. In common parlance, it is also known as ‘sugar’ and is mainly a lifestyle disorder. This means that the lifestyle you lead can easily cause type 2 diabetes. 

Type 2 diabetes causes

Type 2 diabetes is a condition wherein the body does not absorb glucose produced after digestion of food. This is because the body develops resistance to insulin secreted and insulin is the only hormone secreted for this purpose. Generally, adults are affected by type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes symptoms are:

  • Increased thirst – There is excessive sugar in blood which is passed through the urinary system along with other vital fluids. Thirst is a natural condition to replace lost fluids.
  • Increased hunger, especially after eating – Sugar is not absorbed by the tissues and tissues are starved. Lack of energy causes hunger.
  • Dry mouth- Dehydration and smoking are the main causes of a dry mouth. Excessive sugar levels cause dehydration
  • Frequent urination –  Frequent  thirst leads to frequent urination because the kidneys have to dispel all the liquids collected
  • Unexplained weight loss even though you are eating and feel hungry- Since sugars are not absorbed, the body uses accumulated fat to replace energy levels for body functions
  • Fatigue -Weakness, and tiresomeness are caused because sugars are not absorbed by tissues of muscles
  • Blurred vision –Eyes are the first to get affected by high sugar levels. Vision starts blurring and could lead to glaucoma or even complete vision loss if not checked in time
  • Headaches are warning signals that sugar levels could be very high or very low or that the eyesight is getting affected

At the first sign of any of the above type 2 diabetes symptoms, it is important to contact an endocrinologist or diabetes specialist.

Here are a few challenges which need to be managed in type 2 diabetes in the routine of everyday life.

  1. Lifestyle: Quit smoking and alcohol. If you are leading a sedentary life without normal movement then change your lifestyle. Walk for five minutes every few hours. This is also valid for a person leading a life which is at such a fast pace that there is no time to watch what you eat for functioning the body effectively.
  2. Weight – extra weight especially on belly: People with too much of fat on the belly or with pear-shaped bodies are at risk of type 2 diabetes. Belly fat is close to all the organs of the body and can directly cause normal blood sugar levels to rise to above normal levels.
  3. Diet: Switch to healthy diet options. Remove all sodas and sugared beverages, junk and packaged food, and maida products from your diet. Replace with fruits, salads, high protein and low-calorie foods. Eat regular and timely meals in small portions.
  4. Exercise: The most important activity in everyone’s life. The best time to exercise is the morning when the atmosphere is less polluted and well oxygenated. Pranayama, walking, yoga, and aerobics are all good exercises to be adapted as per your age and health issues.
  5. Stress: Stress is the root of all evil, especially type 2 diabetes.  If you cannot manage stress yourself then seek professional advice on stress management.
  6. Sleep: Lack of sleep can cause many problems including stress and higher than normal blood sugar levels. Manage your sleep routine to get an undisturbed sleep for 6-8 hours.
  7. Medication: Do not neglect the normal and routine medication plan like blood pressure medication, thyroid medication, vitamin supplements and any other medication.
  8. Medical checkups: Make a schedule for regular health checks. Annual, bi-annual, quarterly, monthly depending on your age and health condition. Get comprehensive tests and maintain records.

For checks and advice on diet get registered with a Sugar Clinic. Type 2 diabetes needs special medication, diet and counselling. Being associated with a sugar clinic has many advantages. A good sugar clinic will have a diabetologist, an endocrinologist, a diet expert and all other amenities required to keep a person suffering from type2 diabetes healthy and with normal blood sugar levels. Advice on diet, counselling for issues like stress, sleep apnea, medication, exercise regimen and regular monitoring and checks on blood sugar levels are provided. Periodic blood sugar tests are conducted and results monitored and medication adjusted as per the needs.

Monitoring is a very important factor for a person suffering from type 2 diabetes. Blood sugar levels have to be controlled. It is a very impractical option to commute to a diagnostic lab every time a blood sugar test is required. To avoid such hassles, Apollo Sugar Clinics have devised a blood sugar testing kit which is attached to the caretaker through a smartphone app.  This kit contains a glucometer, sugar checking strips, lancet to extract blood all in a smart pouch for easy portability. This Smart Glucometer can test fasting (eight hours of no food), postprandial (two hours after a complete meal) and random (anytime) blood sugar level checks. This is a handy, simple and user-friendly kit. With this kit checking blood sugar levels anytime anywhere is easily done. Monitor regularly and keep blood sugar levels normal.

Type 2 diabetes is not the end of life.  Anyone with this condition can overcome all the challenges to live a normal and healthy life with care and precautions.  Forming a support group can also work towards a healthier and happier state of mind especially when you know help is close at hand.

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