Diabetes Complications

Why do people with diabetes require specialized footwear? What foot problems do diabetics face?

Why do people with diabetes require specialized footwear? What foot problems do diabetics face?

January 1, 1970

Having diabetes makes you prone to many foot problems. ...

Physical activity at higher altitude and the challenges

Physical activity at higher altitude and the challenges

January 1, 1970

Contrary to common advice, physical activity is very important for a...

What happens if you leave diabetes untreated?

What happens if you leave diabetes untreated?

January 1, 1970

Even though signs of diabetes show up, many people might not realize...

Can diabetics donate blood?

Can diabetics donate blood?

January 1, 1970

Just the thought of donating blood to someone in need feels so wonde...

Everything you should know about Diabetic Neuropathy

Everything you should know about Diabetic Neuropathy

January 1, 1970

More than 16% of people with diabetes are known to have diabetic foo...

Everything you should know about Diabetic Neuropathy

Everything you should know about Diabetic Neuropathy

January 1, 1970

More than 16% of people with diabetes are known to have diabetic foo...

6 ways to lower the risk of brain stroke in Type 1 Diabetes

6 ways to lower the risk of brain stroke in Type 1 Diabetes

January 1, 1970

Diabetes is a rapidly spreading disease that has reached epidemic pr...

Gestational diabetes – Symptoms, risks, & treatment

Gestational diabetes – Symptoms, risks, & treatment

January 1, 1970

Diabetes during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes which happe...

Diabetes complications – Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetes complications – Diabetic Nephropathy

January 1, 1970

There are numerous complications due to diabetes. It is probably one...

Can diabetes lead to dangerous blood clots?

Can diabetes lead to dangerous blood clots?

January 1, 1970

October 13th is the World Thrombosis Day. For many of you this day i...

Health complications caused by type 1 diabetes

Health complications caused by type 1 diabetes

January 1, 1970

A  diabetes specialist, an endocrinologist or for that matter a...

World Stroke Day – Diabetes a major risk factor for Stroke

World Stroke Day – Diabetes a major risk factor for Stroke

January 1, 1970

Some things are best done slow and others FAST. Among those things t...

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