How to Improve Fertility in PCOS

January 1, 1970

How to Improve Fertility in PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the major causes of infertility in women. While the first thing that comes to mind is the thought of not getting pregnant or a difficulty in conceiving –there are many ways to increase the chances of pregnancy for those suffering with PCOS.

Your endocrinologist comes into picture for polycystic ovary syndrome treatment, though some women can naturally balance their hormones with a proper polycystic ovarian syndrome diet while increasing their chances of being able to conceive and get pregnant.

How fertility is affected in PCOS

As form of hormonal imbalance, PCOS makes fertility and conceiving complicated by altering the mechanism of hormones in your body that produce eggs and get the uterus ready for pregnancy. Women who are suffering from PCOS are also dealing with insulin resistance typically which is also known as impaired sugar tolerance.

Reasons why PCOS affects women who are pregnant or those trying to get pregnant

  • Women with PCOS may or may not regularly ovulate. This can occur even when they are experiencing their menstrual cycle regularly.
  • Women dealing with PCOS experience irregular periods rather than regular monthly cycles making them more unpredictable for fertility.
  • Women with PCOS often suffer from difficult rather painful periods; bleed heavily for more days or even weeks if their uterine lining becomes too thick.
  • When an egg is released, the endometrium which is the lining of the uterus might not be able to support implantation or sustain pregnancy.

Women suffering from PCOS might get on track with regular periods and also increase their chances of natural healthy pregnancy or a less complicated one by adopting a healthier lifestyle which includes a proper polycystic ovarian syndrome diet and a polycystic ovary syndrome treatment.

Methods to improve fertility in PCOS

Low glycemic diet

One of the most important steps to increase fertility and balance sex hormones is to follow a low glycemic diet, and here’s how to do it:

  • Throw way refined carbohydrates – reducing or completely cutting out on refined carbohydrates is crucial in improving your fertility as it reduces the insulin resistance, decreases androgens, and results in regular ovulation and menstrual cycle. The foods you need to cut out include sugar, white flour, high-fructose syrups, high-processed starches and refined sugars, and white potatoes.
  • Include more complex carbohydrates – this includes fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts. Complex carbohydrates take longer than usual for the body to digest, which helps maintain blood sugar levels and healthier insulin levels, better.
  • Include fiber, protein, and healthy fats– pairing up carbohydrates with fiber, protein and healthy fatty foods will help lower the insulin spike and slow down digestion. Top off your whole wheat toast with some egg for protein or avocado for that healthy fat!

Exercise and maintain healthy weight

30-60% women with PCOS deal with obesity. Generally, a high waist-to-hip ratio is directly linked to high insulin, and androgen levels that affect fertility. Along with a polycystic ovarian syndrome diet, regular exercise or any physical activity such as dance, long walks, running or anything you like every day helps you maintain healthy weight and also reduce the insulin resistance in the body.

Take care of your emotional health

To feel peaceful from within and to have a balanced life. It is important to do whatever it takes to reduce stress. Dealing with any health issue is not easy. Women with PCOS usually are very anxious and those suffering from infertility or difficulty in conceiving tend to hit depression easily. Find your mental support system, through family or friends. Look after your mental health whether you are trying to get pregnant or not.

You may want to schedule an appointment with an endocrinologist the sooner you realize any polycystic ovary syndrome symptoms and signs. Starting with a consistent lifestyle change which includes healthy diet and exercise for about four to six months to check how regular your menstrual cycles change.

Also, including vitamins, herbs, and minerals in your regular diet can provide you the daily nutritional support which will help restore your hormonal imbalance and relieve your symptoms. And since everyone is different with their bodies and conditions, treatments differ from person to person too.

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