How well are you coping with Diabetes?

January 1, 1970

How well are you coping with Diabetes?

If it’s common cold you will sneeze and people will know. If it’s indigestion, you will vomit. If it’s a serious heart problem, the situation demands attention of your family members. But, if it’s a lifelong condition like diabetes, you suffer silently as high sugar levels keep eating into your insides! Find help, assistance, and continuous guidance with a diabetes program and reduce the risk of complications.

Diabetes is one condition that stays with you forever and demands constant attention. It is silent and lethal, yet it is something that your family members don’t usually consider. Tell me, how many days did you go to test your sugar levels unaccompanied? How many days did you just adjust for the sake of the family? Sure it would be many!

A Lifelong Journey with Diabetes

As soon as you are diagnosed with diabetes, you most likely would have been told about the lifestyle changes you need to make in order to control diabetes and in order to steer clear of serious complications of diabetes. However, do you really get support from your family members?

Ties of a family are strong, but life demands more from each member. There are careers, professions, and things to attend to. In the rush of the mundane, are you forgetting that you need to think of diabetes before every meal, every single day throughout your life?

As a provider, as a facilitator, and as a homemaker, your place in the family is vital and essential. It is only well fulfilled when you are there for your family when they need you most. This you can do only by staying healthy and controlling your diabetes. Here are three strategies that can help you cope with diabetes and the challenges of life.

Assert yourself:

Things can be complicated in a family. From a breakfast on a Monday morning to a brunch on a Sunday afternoon, your family has various priorities and preferences. However, it is for you to assert yourself that having diabetes means adopting a healthier lifestyle and that means opting for healthier foods and going for that much coveted morning walks. Do not compromise! Only this way, you can be a strong contributor to the family!


Often, children, spouses, and other members of the family tend to associate your diabetes with just a sugar-less tea or coffee. They tend to forget that you need time to get your blood sugar checked, exercise, and get screened for diabetes complications. Tell them that if diabetes runs in the family everybody is at risk and they have to adopt healthy habits in order to stay disease-free. More often than not, telling family members, colleagues, and friends about your condition is more helpful than a hindrance. This might mean breaking a few psychological barriers, but this yields good results.

Seek help when you need:

Do not become a lone crusader who is fighting a lonely battle. Take help. It is perfectly okay to ask your son/daughter/husband/wife to come to your blood sugar test. They need to understand what you are going through. Having a family rallying around for your health is a big boon. If you live alone, it is advisable that you take a friend along with you.

Book an Appointment

Apart from having the support of your family and friends, you might also want the guidance of an expert who can advise the right thing at the right time! This might be a change in your medication, diet, and exercise schedule. It is always better to have a dedicated diabetes doctor and educator available to you at least on call so that you can avoid episodes of low sugar levels or hypoglycemia.

It is a known fact among medical fraternity that compliance and adherence to a diabetes program yields better results with lesser risk rates of complications and fewer hospitalizations. Whether you are alone or are in a bustling household, you can now get the help of experts right at the comfort of your home.

Talk to our experts for complete diabetes management guidance and diabetes programs!

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